The California State Capitol grounds include a living and growing memorial known as "The Civil War Memorial Grove" and dedicated on May 1, 1897, that pays tribute to the thousands of men who lost their lives in the American Civil War. The Grove includes trees, brought as saplings, from 40 Civil War battlefields including Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Shiloh, Tennessee, Lexington, Kentucky, and the Wilderness battlefield in Virginia, as well as trees from other Civil War related sites including the tombs of Presidents McKinley and Lincoln. Visit the The Grove in Capitol Park at 10th and L Streets in Sacramento.
Sacramento Tree Foundation celebrates "people and landscapes that best exemplify outstanding accomplishments in tree planting, care and stewardship as well as the overall importance of trees."
Learn about the Tree Heros and the Sacramento Tree Foundation at the Foundation's website included below.
The California redwood became the State Tree in 1937, and is native only to California and southern Oregon.
There are two species of California redwood: The Coast Redwood and the Giant Sequoia. The Coast Redwood is the tallest tree in the world, with several growing over 360 feet high. The Giant Sequoia is one of the most massive trees in the world, with some growing 30 feet in diameter.
Less than 4% of California's "old growth" forests remain.
Heather Jansch creates magestical scultures from driftwood. See some of her creations at her website included below.
Below, we're sharing a collection of the beauty of trees. The pictures below were taken from a variety of local and nearby areas including downtown Sacramento, and the disc golf course in Willits, California.